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Start your YuLife journey

Help us get the right details for your quote by filling in the form below.

Client Details

Help about: Company Name (as per Companies House)

This is the main policyholder/premium payer, please include additional information such as "trading as" etc.

Your Details

Help about: Company trading address & post code

Please input your trading/head office address. If you do not provide a full address we will take your companies house registered address

We have assumed that you do not have existing cover for the above chosen products in place, if this is not the case we will need information about this policy. (policy document, current UW, cost etc.)

This document is an information gathering specification to allow us to provide you with quotes at your request. The information available throughout is for your general information and use, it is not intended to address your particular requirements. The information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by YuLife and is not intended to be relied upon in making (or refraining from making) any decisions. YuLife are unable to provide advice.

If you are unsure what policy arrangement is best for you and your employees' circumstances, YuLife strongly encourages you to seek professional financial advice. If you do not already have an adviser, you can visit unbiased.com to find an adviser in your area. Always check if your adviser is regulated and approved by checking the FCA's Financial Services register- https://www.fca.org.uk/firms/financial-services-register.

By submitting your quote spec, you’re allowing YuLife to process and store your information for the purpose of providing you with a copy of your quote spec. YuLife will do so in line with the GDPR. Our Privacy Policy can be viewed here.