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Help us get the right details for your quote by filling in the form below.

Help about: Who do you want to cover?

You can cover all your employees or clearly defined groups.

Each can have different / multiple eligibility conditions and specifications such as sums assured e.g. All Directors £1m each, all other employees 4 x basic salary.

Minimum number of lives: 3.

Zero-hours contract workers must be shown in a separate category and only for a fixed lump sum benefit, e.g., £10,000 each. 

If you require different eligibility, i.e., more than one category, please add details in the question at the bottom of this page (if you require further variations).

Help about: When do you want cover to cease?

Cover can continue to State Pension Age (SPA), 70 or to a maximum of 75. It's important to do your research on what is most appropriate for your company and to be mindful of discrimination laws.

Help about: Benefit amount basis - fixed lump sum or multiple of salary?

A scheme can offer a mixture of lump sum and fixed benefits in different categories. The same benefit must apply to all members within one category. Insurers may apply maximum benefit levels.

Help about: Are all employees on a UK contract?

Cover is only normally granted for employees on a UK contract (does not include secondment). If this is not the case please speak to us further

Help about: Are you aware of any material facts that should be declared on your application?

You must provide us with complete and accurate information under the Insurance Act 2015 in order to make a fair presentation of the risk. Generally speaking, this means details of any material facts the insurer should be made aware of. A material fact is any information that would affect the insurer's ability to underwrite the risk for the scheme i.e. but not limited to, a member who previously had cancer / is in remission. Please speak to us if this may apply.

If you have someone who has been absent from work for over a week, please complete details on the membership data spreadsheet which includes the date they first went off sick, the reason for the absence, and any other pertinent info (such as return to work plans).

Please note that we will assume the following information – if this is not correct or you need to provide us with more information this may impact on the quote we provide.

  • Redundancy cover is not required
  • No Hazardous occupations undertaken by employees to be covered
  • Cover is not provided as part of a flex scheme
  • In the event of a claim, salary used will be as at date of death
  • There are no participating employers
  • Cover is not voluntary
  • No Equity Partners or non-executives to be covered
  • Annual Premiums
  • You wish to participate in the insurer’s Master Trust
  • Cover would be provided for new joiners from age 16
  • The scheme will be remain open to all future employees until the insurer is advised to the contrary
  • No early retirement cover is required
  • No Ill-Health Early retirement cover is required
  • No cover is required post normal retirement age (NRA)
  • No employees on secondment
  • Cover for new joiners would start immediately (as opposed to after, say, a probation period)

You can view supporting information on these assumptions here

Help about: Are the above assumptions correct?

Please only answer the question or questions related to the above assumptions which are incorrect

Help about: Do you require further variations on the above quote?

Please use this for any additional categories or variations in quotes

e.g. All Directors 4 x salary, all other employees 3 x salary or Please quote for 3 x and 4 x salary