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Help about: Companies House address & Post code (If different from trading address)

Please only provide this if different from your companies trading address, if no answer provided we will assume that your trading address and companies house address are the same

Help about: Is any of the cover provided as part of a flex benefits platform?

Flexible benefits are typically provided by an employer by way of an allowance which allows employees to choose the benefits of their choice (either covering the full cost of the benefit or a partial contribution towards it). These benefits are often managed in conjunction with a flexible benefits platform.

Help about: Group Incorporated

Group Incorporated: Select yes if this is a Limited Company

Help about: Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) Exempt

Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) is a tax on general insurance premiums. If the business address associated with your policy is in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man, and/or at least some of the employees are working there you may be exempt from IPT. Before any exemption is applied, we need confirmation that some or all the employees covered by this policy are working in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man.

Help about: Number of members covered (2 minimum)

How many members (not counting dependants) are covered under the current policy

Help about: Do you want the policy to offer mental health cover to members?

Consultant and facility charges for day-patient and in-patient care. Referral to Bupa's T&C's is advised for full policy details.

Help about: What level of excess do you require?

Excess is the amount the member pays toward making a claim.

Help about: Hospital list

Participating - access to over 600 facilities countrywide

Partnership - access to over 300 facilities countrywide

Guided Care - Guided care uses Bupa's open referral consultant network whilst providing access to Participating facilities.

Help about: Full refund surgeons and anaesthetists

Full refund for consultants’ fees for eligible out-patient, day-patient & in-patient surgical operations. Only available with full outpatient refund. Not available under Guided care.

Help about: Optical and Accidental Dental Cash Package

The benefit provides a cash limit towards topical, accidental dental injury and prescriptions.

£100 Optical cash in any two-year period
£900 Accidental dental each year
£20 Prescription cash each year

Help about: Family Cash Benefit Cash Package

£200 for each birth or adoption - applies to main member only

Help about: NHS Cash Benefit

Monetary amount if treatment has been covered under the NHS. Included as standard but cannot be included if the 6 week option is applied.

Help about: 6 Week option

If the NHS can provide day-patient to in-patient within 6 weeks of the date the consultant recommends it, then treatment will take place in the NHS. If not, treatment or tests will be covered by Bupa.

This is unavailable with Moratorium underwriting.

Help about: 2 Year Fixed Price

Allows you to fix the rates for 2 years (This is not protected from any increases in Insurance Premium Tax when your policy is next renewed)

Help about: Premium Frequency

It's important to note there may be an additional charge for non annual premiums